About International Association for Child Safety (IAFCS)

ChildproofingExperts.com was founded by the childproofing professionals of the International Association for Child Safety (IAFCS) as a resource for parents, caregivers or anyone seeking real-world, up-to-date information and practical advice for keeping homes, daycares and play facilities safer for young children. Through their own childproofing businesses, IAFCS members dedicate themselves to providing education about what causes injuries to children, as well as experienced installation services using only the highest quality safety products. Our experts want to share their expertise with you to help you with creating a safer environment for your baby and children.

At ChildProofingExperts.com, we understand not everyone will choose to hire a professional and may instead prefer the do-it-yourself option. For people with good basic tool skills and a quality safety product, several trips to the hardware store and a day or two of installation may be all it takes. The decisions you make about childproofing products and how to childproof should not be made lightly.

Our goal at ChildProofingExperts is to be your go-to resource for childproofing your home. You will find information on these topics and more on our website:

Our experts don’t just know what is a hazard, they know what works in real homes and what does not work. Please share our tips on social media to help your friends and family safely and effectively childproof their homes.